
July 11, 2007

Founded 1980 Celebrating 27 years! ©
Vol.19 No. 11 www.niqg.org
Masonic Temple-302 1st Street S.E. Mason City, IA. 50401 641-423-9116
Meets the second Wed of every month, except July at 9AM-3PM
Cookbooks: $3 Membership: $15 Clear Plastic Bags: 50 ¢ NIQG Pins: $5
For information: send SASE to: NIQG Box 1163 Mason City, IA 50402 or
Newsletter editor-Jenny Schlutz: 1468 2nd S E- Mason City, Iowa 50401 641-424-9068 stevejen@mchsi.com

No meeting this month!

North Iowa and Southern Minnesota may be a very hot and humid place to live in the summer time, but it is beautiful too. Summer has arrived in its full glory of brightly hued flowers and the greens of freshly mowed lawns and gently blowing trees! The corn in the fields is reaching for the sunny blue skies and the beans are thriving along the country gravel roads. The ditches are beginning to show off our state flower, the wild rose, planted by nature along with a multitude of buttercups, lilies, mustard, cone flowers, daisies, poppies and a myriad of other prairie plants. The horses, cattle and sheep are grazing lazily about in their lush green pastures. With the summer heat upon us, it is wonderful to grab a good read and settle in a favorite lawn chair under a shade tree. Or better yet take some hand work out with you and enjoy the fresh air.

North Iowa Fair Time! July 25th-29th!
We will be setting up on Tuesday the 24th at 3PM.
There are lots of empty spaces on the sign up sheet; we need you to help man the booth. There will be information about our guild and others in the area available for people to take. Please sign up for a couple of hours! You may bring something to work on. It creates interest and People love to watch a quilt in progress!
We need your quilts for display! We also need a lamp, chairs, fans, small table and any quilt racks or hoops to help display quilts. I believe someone has an easel in which to show our sign. Please come help fix up our booth and volunteer to set for a couple of hours!

August 8th, 2007
Annual NIQG Picnic will be held at the
Pavilion in City Park in Clear Lake.
It is located on lake side of band shell.

Flea Market! Flea Market! Flea Market! What’s old to you is gold to someone!

Membership dues will be increased to $20
All members who wish to receive the newsletter must bring 12 Self addressed stamped envelopes to Jenny by August or September meeting. If you have extra envelopes Jenny will let you know with the August newsletter. If you prefer to read the newsletter on our website that is perfectly fine. However many patterns will not be available on the website due to copyright laws posting on websites. Don’t miss out, bring your SASE envelopes!

Kelsey’s Korner--------Color Tips and Terms

Using only pure primary and secondary colors (no black or white mixed in them) will give you a very vibrant and exciting quilt.
Using complementary colors that are the ones opposite on a color wheel will make the colors very distinct and have a truer value.
Bleeding is when you use two colors that are next to each other on the color wheel to give the area a soft effect, for example placing red next to orange.
The depth of the color refers to how close or far away a color feels. Warm colors such as yellow, orange and red always feel closer than cooler colors such as blues, purples and greens. As a general rule the darker the color the further away it appears
Black and white are fantastic colors for a base. Black will dim other colors, whereas white will brighten the same colors when dyeing in most situations. When used as background Black will brighten and white fade. Both black and white are great to use as "filler" material, runners or sashing.
Colorfast materials are an absolute godsend! If you are not sure if your fabric is colorfast test it by dipping a sample in hot water and squeezing it out. If no color (dye) is excreted then it is colorfast. It is always a good idea to wash all your material before you make your quilt in order to prevent problems from occurring later on.
Cool colors are soothing and calming, they are generally blues, greens and purples.
Warm colors are exciting and stimulating, they are generally reds, oranges and yellows. These colors will often brighten a room. However, if you are wanting to have the quilt on your bed and the colors are very bright you may be better choosing fabrics with the colors that have been mixed with a bit of white - this will tone them down and making them a little more soothing.
Red and green applique' with a white or cream background are the most common combination from the 1800s.
The value of a color is the degree of lightness or darkness. If you add white is called a tint, if you add black it is called a shade.

Tone is the lightness or darkness of a color.
Monochromatic means many values of one color. Achromatic means without color, i.e. using only neutral colors.

Contrasting values occurs when a light color is placed next to a dark color. This can make the light color look bigger. For example, put a yellow circle on a purple or blue background and it will look much bigger than the blue circle on a orange background. This will also work with tone where if you put a shape with a light tone on a dark toned color it will look larger than the opposite.

When someone refers to country colors they are speaking about the colors usually inspired by nature's hues - warm browns, yellow, tree green, sunset red and blue skies, purple wildflowers.

2006-2007 Officers
President- Marie Senne-319-267-2705
Vice Pres. - Kelsey Jones- 641-424-3519
Secretary- Joan Chandler-641-982-4986
Treasurer- Jean Payne-641-423-5041
2006-2007 Board Members:
Marilyn Meinecke-641-357-0773
Kay Klukow-507-265-3466
Marion Andersen-641-424-4007
Barb Deboer-641-775-3474
Cathy Coverdale-641-458-9855
2006-2007 Chairpersons:
Membership-Ruth Ward-641-423-2908
Newsletter Ed-Jenny Schlutz-641-424-9068
Programs-Nancy Malmin-641-732-4321
Patterns-Jenny & Sue Hansen-507-567-2502
Historian-Phyllis Wright-641-423-3196
Library-Marie Senne-319-267-2705
Sunshine-Cathy Knowles-641-454-2014
Habitat for Humanity-Jo Best-641-357-3084
Hospitality-Program groups
Linus, Northern Lights, Crisis Center-
Mary Jane Allen-641-696-3308
Marion Hoit-641-423-7340
Mary Ann Johnson-641-592-3348
ABC Quilts-Jo Best-641-357-3084
North Iowa Fair-Dixie Schaer-423-8846
Web Mistress/Publishing-Kelsey Jones- -424-3519
2008 Raffle Quilt-Jenny Schlutz & Marie Senne

Incoming Officers, Board and Chairpersons;
2007-2008 Officers
President- Kelsey Jones- 641-424-3519
Vice Pres. - Cathy Knowles-641-454-2014
Secretary- Jo Best-641-357-3084
Treasurer- Jean Payne-641-423-5041
2007-2008 Board Members:
Kay Klukow-507-265-3466
Dorothy Birch-641-423-5427
Jeanne Moorehead-641-696-3341
Mary Ruth Calland- 641-423-2143
Marilyn Meinecke-641-357-0773
2007-2008 Chairpersons:
Membership-Marlene Oswood-641-423-5575
Newsletter Ed-Jenny Schlutz-641-424-9068
Programs-Nancy Malmin-641-732-4321
Patterns-Laurie Schwarck-641-985-4135
Historian- Marilyn Meinecke-641-357-0773
Library-Mandy Meierotto-641-423-0440
Sunshine-Cathy Knowles-641-454-2014
Habitat for Humanity-Jo Best-641-357-3084
Hospitality-Program groups
Linus, Northern Lights, Crisis Center-Marion Hoit-641-423-7340 & Mary Ann Johnson-641-592-3348
ABC Quilts-Jo Best-641-357-3084
North Iowa Fair-Dixie Schaer-423-8846
Web Mistress/Publishing-Kelsey Jones- -424-3519

2008 Raffle Quilt-Jenny Schlutz & Marie Senne
2008 Quilt Show Chair- Carlene Davis-641-423-0408

Chinese Auction
Wow! The Chinese Auction has been a great success this past quilt year! A big thank you to everyone! $58.85 was collected in June, bringing our total to $489.10! Congratulations to all the winners! Each ticket is only 25 cents! This money helps to fund programs plus projects that all members enjoy each month. Thank you to everyone who has donated and or purchased items on the Chinese Auction! More great items will be on the block soon!
(No auction planned in August)

Oink! Oink! THE PIGGIE BANK HAS BEEN OPENED! All members tried to guess how much was in the Piggie! The amount was $107.36! The two top winners of a lovely piggy bank and sweet plush piggy are Darlene Alexander and Bev Humphrey! Another successful fund raiser for NIQG! Thanks everyone!

2008 Raffle Quilt Committee
Marie Senne and Jenny Schlutz
Our Favorite Quiltmaker-Susan McCord’s
“Shade Garden Sampler”
This wonderful book is now available at the
Bee Hive Quilt Shoppe!
Thank you everyone for you talents and time! Members who have graciously stitched away are: Cathy Knowles-Cut Glass Dish, Bev Adams-Wreath #3, Jenny S & Kaye Klukow-Wreath #2, Jeroldine Stricker-Mary Jane Compote, Margaret McMillan-Wreath #4, Mandy Meierotto-Classical Urn, Dorothy Fagerle-Basket of Bluebirds, Marion Andersen-Wreath #1 & Bev Humphrey-Dove & Dogtooth.
Blocks will be put together soon so that the appliquéd borders can be added. The appliquéd borders will be sewn by Jenny and Marie. A black batting has been donated by Bev Humphrey. We will need hand quilters soon. Please say yes when asked. The quilt will be displayed finished or not at the September Fiber Arts Festival at South Bridge Mall in Mason City on Sept. 29th, 2007 or Oct. 13th. (Date still pending)

Wool Flowers-30” x 39” by Jenny Penny Designs
The final wool flower block is the violet. To finish, you will need a piece of wool or felted wool backing 32” x 41” and pins (safety work the best). However, if you wish to put tongues around your quilt you will need 46-3” black wool squares and 46-3” colored squares. From these squares use the template in previous newsletter to cut these out. Next pin the tongues and machine blanket stitch or hand blanket stitch around the curved edges leaving the straight edge open. The straight edges will be inserted between the top and backing. If you have questions on construction please let me know! continued→
If you wish to purchase the Wool Flowers pattern in its entirety you may get them from the Bee Hive Quilt Shoppe or Jenny. I have seen many blocks being stitched and they are wonderful! I hope everyone is enjoying this project!

Starting in September our new Pattern Chairperson, Laurie Schwarck will present us with fun projects ahead! She has some nifty ideas stirring in the weeds for us in our next new quilt year! Read your newsletter or check out our website for details!

Comfort Quilts are folded and in a clear plastic bag in the back hall at the Masonic Temple. There is a blank signature label on each quilt so that they are ready to go when we need them for our members. There are 3 quilts ready for members at this time.

Thank you ladies!
A bunch of flannels have been donated to the HOTQ’s (Hooked on Tuesday Quilters) group to make charity quilts with. There were several heart cutouts all ready to go to take and appliqué. I am very pleased to tell you that every block was taken! That is close to a 150 or better….I never did count them. Several blocks have already been returned! You have the whole summer to complete them! You may use iron on if you wish! You can return these to Laurie or Jenny in August or September!
With the remaining flannels, I will cut them into 9 patches to be sewed for alternate blocks. These will be available at August and September meetings. Putting the hearts and the 9 patches together should make some really nice cozy quilts.
Thank you! Thank you!

NIQG has donated many quilts to several charities! We are nearing 1000 ABC quilts! Here are a running total of your generosities!
-ABC 937
-Linus 219
-Crisis 40
-Northern Lights 35
-Habitat 30
-Wrap a Smile 70
-Military Hospital Fisher House 40 wheel chair quilts- 25 knitted caps & mittens
-Fisher House Hot Dog pillow cases: 20
-Also donated several quilts to families in need due to fires and etc. in the North Iowa Area (about 20)
-Comfort Quilts to fellow members when needed.
Receivers of these quilts so far are: Mary Jane Allen
Virginia Brennan, Cassie Kloberdanz, Phyllis Wright,
Jo Best, Bette Koeff, Jan Martin, Dixie Schaer,
Carlene Davis, Jan Pralle, Minerva Wagner, Joan Chandler & Judy Magner (HOTQ’s)

Wow! Remember this great entrée?
Scalloped Spinach
6 bacon strips, diced (I use the precooked real bacon bits)
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 package (10 ounces) fresh spinach, chopped
2 cups soft bread crumbs, divided
2 cups milk
2 eggs, beaten
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
Sauté bacon until crisp and remove to paper towels to drain. Sauté onions in drippings, until tender. If using precooked bacon, use the margarine to sauté. Cook spinach until tender and drain well. In large bowl, mix the spinach, onion, milk, eggs, butter, salt and pepper and 1 1/2 cups bread crumbs. Pour into 1 1/2-2 quart baking dish greased. Top with bacon and 1/2 cup bread crumbs. Bake at 350 for 50-60 minutes or until knife inserted into the center comes out clean. Thank you Barb DeBoer!

Member news:
-Dixie Schaer would like to say thank you to everyone who sent cards and wished her well. We are very happy concerning Dixie’s recovery! Good going Girl!

Workshops and Programs
All Groups are responsible for helping the Program/ Workshop gal to unload and reload her things, luncheon and clean up in kitchen. They also need to have the tables and chairs put away or around the tables at the end of day.
This group should also help man the sign in table. For New Members and Visitors to enjoy their first visits they need to be guided and that cannot happen if no one is at the sign in table.
The Temple is open at 8 AM. That means one or two gals of your group need to be at the Temple no later than 8:00-:15 AM to help out.
If you cannot be at the Temple in the morning let your groups know or have someone there in your place. If you have to leave early let your group know! The more we work together the more fun we will have!
Upcoming Workshops & Programs!
Program Chairlady-Nancy Malmin 641-732-432
All programs or workshops that cost more than $100, needs to be approved. Some workshops and programs need to be planned months in advance!

Aug. 8th, 2007-annual picnic-Clear Lake-flea market
Sept. 10th, 2007-(Group 7) Denise Sprain from Iowa Falls-$10 workshop fee. Afternoon program by Denise
Oct. 10th, 2007- (Group 8) Kelsey Jones-paper piecing magic-No fee
Nov. 14th, 2007- (Group 9) ‘Quilt as you go’ tote- Jenny Penny Designs (alternate appliqués available)-no fee
Dec. 12th, 2007- (Group 1) Christmas party
Jan. 9th, 2008- (Group 2) Charity Quilt Day

The groups will be updated accordingly to membership changes. If there are any requests please let me know as soon as possible. It is best to write the request down and hand it to me directly so that I will not forget who asked what. I am getting long in the tooth….

September 2007-Group 7: Dorothy Birch, Arlene Christensen, Carlene Davis, Dorothy Fagerle, Lenore Forbes, Marian Hoit & Bev Humphrey, Harriett Klein, Jo Ann Johnson
October 2007-Group 8: Pat Klinger, Margaret McMullin, Jeanne Moorehead, Ardis Nicewarner, Jean Payne, Marilyn Meinecke, Florence Hagstrom & Kelsey Jones
November 2007- Group 9:Dixie Schaer, Jenny Schlutz, Jeroldine Stricker, Ruth Ward, & Phyllis Wright, Marie Albers, & Sharon Hays
December 2007-Group 1: MaryAnn Johnson, Bev Adams, Cathy Knowles, Betty Neel, Betty Werle, Mary Jane Allen, Marilyn Harrington, Marlene Oswood
January 2008- Group 2: Margaret Berge, Elaine Hill, Marjorie Odden, Thelma Bohn, Jan Martin, Laurie Schwarck, Mandy Meierotto & Millie Schroeder.-Charity day
February 2008-Group 3: Minerva Wagner, Nancy Malmin, Lavon Dorsey, Kay Klukow, Sue Hansen & Katrina Keech, Sharon Weckwerth, Kathleen Coverdale & Lisa Potter.
March 2008-Group 4: Joan Chandler, Bette Koeff, Beverly Schabacker, Nancy Traeger, Jan Pralle, Beverly Lattimer, Ruth Calland
April 2008-Group 5: Barb DeBoer, Mary Alexander, Audrey Dix, Betty Debner, Bev Brinkman, Marie Senne, Betty Hendrix, Gwen Mathews, Patti Miller
May 2008-Group 6: Wilma Ades, Margaret Hamawalt, Darlene Alexander, Marion Anderson, Marjorie Bahnsen, Margie Brandl, Jo Best, Vivian Bugbee & Betty Buss, Arla Loeffler.
June 2008-Group 7
July 2008: No meeting-newsletter mailed.
August 2008-annual picnic-place to be determined.

12 Block Challenge 2007
It was a close call! 15 finished quilts were up for display. A few unfinished beauties were brought in as well! Members voted on their favorite finished quilts. The winners are: First Place- Carlene Davis (19 votes), Second Place-Jeroldine Stricker(17 votes) and Third Place- Barb DeBoer!(15 votes). In all 107 votes were cast! Carlene then donated her quilt to Habitat for Humanity. Thank you Carlene! And since all challenge members didn’t loose their pattern sheet, each received a fat quarter courtesy of Jenny Penny Designs. Pictures should be on website soon and in future newsletter.

Show and Tell
Don’t forget to register your
Quilt/s at the sign in table!
Thanks everyone!
Lots of show and tell! Jo Best brought her large “I Have a Dream” Star quilt by Nancy Martin. Very scrappy and pretty! Carlene Davis showed her queen sized ‘My Pansy Garden Quilt’ and a Patchabilities
1, 2, 3 baby wall hanging. Very cute! Kelsey Jones presented her stunning Paper Pieced Round Robin that she is involved in on Carol Doak’s website. Wow!
Laurie Schwarck went crazy these last few months! She brought with her…using the ‘Setting Solutions’ book…2 Block of the month quilts, 5 Christmas quilts, 4 patchwork Posie quilts and 1 baby quilt. I think all jaws in the room were wide open with amazement! Does this girl sleep? Very nice quilts! Marilyn
Meinecke showed off her flower wall hanging and a cut baby bath towel. Marie Senne talked about her ‘Tattooed Lady” challenge quilt. Very interesting!
Betty Neel brought her “Blue Bird” wall hanging that she won on a Chinese auction! Blue Bird is a Jenny Penny Design. Super nice work! Jeroldine presented her beautiful Basket quilt. It was part of the challenge. Jerrie did a wonderful job of appliquéing and piecing. The machine quilting done by Marie was extremely nice and fitting for the queen sized quilt.

Treasury Report by Jean Payne
Balance as of June 1, 2007……………..….949.52
Expenses for June
PSI July newsletter………………..46.01
Aug newsletter ………………….…..46.01
Clear Lake Parks and Rec…………30.00
Friends of Ia Pub. Tel ………………50.00
Chinese Auction………………………58.25
Balance as of July 1, 2007………….………992.11

Marie Senne has a few words…
I have enjoyed being your President this past year and a big Thank You to my Officers and Board members. This past year has been a lot of fun. We did some interesting things and had some interesting guests. Without everyone working together as groups it would not have happened. Again a big THANK YOU to everyone that helped with the June 6 dinner, it really helped our budget. It takes a lot to keep a guild this large going. This year we have had several new members come in and that's fantastic! WELCOME YA'LL
Now its time to look ahead--- a new year--- you know IDLE HANDS DO THE DEVILS WORK so- let’s not be idle, get those fingers flying, scissors cutting and make QUILTS so in the Spring we can have a awesome QUILT SHOW.
Board meeting 11:00 at Clear Lake. Please try to be present. Remember to bring any books, notes, or suggestions to pass on to the next person. See ya'll in August! President Marie Senne

Secretary Minutes by Joan Chandler
The North Iowa Quilters Guild met June 13th, 2007. President Marie Senne introduced the visitors. She showed a thank you from the Masonic Lodge for the dinner the quilters served June 6th.
The annual picnic will be held the second wed of August at Clear Lake in the pavilion of City Park. It was moved and seconded that we renew our membership with IPTV.
A portable microphone purchase was discussed. The incoming President is Kelsey Jones, Vice President is Cathy Knowles, Secretary is Jo Best and Treasurer will be, Jean Payne.
The amount of money in the ‘Piggy’ was guessed. The amount was $107.36. Winners were Darlene Alexander and Bev Humphrey. Marilyn Meinecke won the Patriotic fat quarters! Show and Tell quilts were by Lenore Forbes, Kelsey Jones, Jan Martin, Betty Neel, Carlene Davis, Jo Best and Laurie Schwarck.
Challenge quilt winners were 3rd place Barb DeBoer, 2nd place Jerrie Stricker and 1st place Carlene Davis.
Respectfully submitted by Joan Chandler

Tie a bright red ribbon onto the ‘good scissors’-This will let the family know that this pair of scissors is off limits!

To make a fun gift tag for a quilt-fuse a piece of leftover fabric to a card-trim to size desired-fold in half- punch a hole- write your name and use ribbon to attach to quilt!

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