
July 9, 2008

Well ladies it certainly has been an interesting year so far, in regards to the weather. Many of us experienced unhappy situations with all the flooding that had occurred. The North Iowa Quilters Guild hopes and prays that all of you come out of it with the least damage as possible. One of our members lost 80 yards of fabric but was able to save her sewing machines! We need a good summer with lots of sunshine and machines purring right along at high speed! Please keep making charity quilts as there is always a need. But be sure to make quilts for yourself too!
With the postponing of our Guild meeting to June 25th, due to the flooding events, we still were able to have a good and productive day. Mandy was not able to do the Trupunto class that day so the HOT Q’s put together several charity tops and backs on the Tuesday before meeting and brought them along with batting to be tied and sewn together. At meeting, we had some young energetic girls with us that day and being new to quilting were able to tie 5 quilts between them! We are thankful for their help! Future quilters in the making? For pictures of our quilting day visit us: http://niqg.spaces.live.com/
A couple of gals had their sewing machines going and sewed edges for us. Several gals were at the tying tables and finished many quilts. The quilts that needed binding and or other finishing were then taken home over the summer to bring back in August. Give yourselves a big pat on your backs Girls! You did well! Thank you!
Potluck as usual was really great! Man, can you Ladies cook! Our meeting was led by our President Kelsey. She presented Cathy Knowles with a thank you bag full of fabric for her services. Then Jo Best presented Nancy Jewel with our 1000th ABC quilt. The Globe Gazette was there and took pictures. This pictured appeared in the newspaper the next day with a nice article. (included in newsletter) Nancy was very emotional and very thankful to us for our generosity.
Then Carlene presented our 2008 Raffle quilt to the winner who is Carol Post from Manly! Carol was thrilled and said she is hanging it in a stairway off her living room! And would you believe that the colors of chocolate and sage and the Civil War colors are what are in her house! That quilt was made for her! It is going to be loved and cared for, for sure! Congratulations Carol!
Then on to the Auction of the Library books! What a hoot! Marie Senne did a wonderful job of cleaning out the books. With her bright spirit and her funny wit we were wondering if David Letterman was around! 23 ladies buying books at bargain prices all had huge grins on their faces! We ended up with $153.25 to be given to our Treasurer. Thank you Ladies and we hope to see many, many quilts made with your new stash of quilt books!
Luncheon finished up the day and I think we all had a great day! Even though we don’t meet in July everyone is welcome to come on Tuesdays to the Senior Center for sewing, good cheer and lunch! It is located at 326 4th N E in Mason City. It is a great place to sandwich your quilts and get lots of help. They serve very nutritious meals if you are interested too. Come and join us each week! Don’t forget the North Iowa Fair. Dixie needs your quilts!
Our next meeting will be in Clear Lake. It will be a potluck picnic and will be held in the down town City Park in an air-conditioned room behind the band shell. We will have good foods, Flea Market and games with prizes! The Officers and Board members will provide, drinks (and I don’t mean alcohol), coffee, table service and desserts. We would like all of you to please pay for your membership this month too if you haven’t done so yet. The Membership would like to finish the membership phone list for, September meeting. To be included in this list, please bring your payment and form soon. To receive your newsletter by snail mail, you must also bring 12 self addressed and STAMPED envelopes to me (Jenny). If you have extra envelopes with me already I will let you know with a note in your August newsletter so you will know how many to give me. I have rather a large bundle of extra envelopes from members that need to be used. You all have a good and healthy summer! Jenny
Chinese Auction
Chinese Auction will continue in September. If you have sewing related items or nice items that you think you would like to donate please give these to me (Jenny) as soon as you can. That way we can plan on the amount of items for the table. If we have too many one month the items will be set out the next month. Putting these items in bags or boxes works best. Please bundle magazines in groups of 12 or less. $659.40 has been collected in the last 1 ½ years for our guild. Thank you everyone for your generosity!

North Iowa Fair
Dixie Schaer is the North Iowa Fair Chairlady! We need your quilts for hanging in our booth. We will be setting up on Tuesday July 22nd at 3PM. Please, come and help to hang quilts for our booth! Bring any quilt that you would like to show. These quilts are not quilts that would be in competition, only for representing the art of quilting. Remember we are going to be blessed with air conditioning! She will need workers to man the booth and answer questions about quilting or joining our guild.
Everyone is welcome to show your quilts.
Don’t forget to enter quilts in competition!

Comfort quilts
Two quilts were signed and given to members this past week.
A Comfort quilt was given to Dorothy Birch in her time of health issues.
Also a Comfort quilt was given to Jean Payne following painful foot surgery.
We want you girls to know that we are thinking of you & wish you both speedy recoveries!
Library Cabinet
Many of you are probably wondering what will happen to the book case after the library books are out of it. The board has decided to use the case as a place to store our history albums and other necessary items that we may need. So it will still be in use!

Recipe from Phyllis Wright
Rhubarb Dream Bars
2c flour
10T powdered sugar
1c butter
Combine the above, mix well and put in a 9 x 13 pan.
Bake at 350-15 min. or until edge brown.
4 eggs
2c sugar
1/2c flour
1/3 tsp salt
4c diced rhubarb
Beat eggs-add sugar and beat again. Add flour and salt, mixing well.
Fold in rhubarb.
Pour over baked layer and bake 45 min at 350. Don’t over bake.

Board meetings open to all members!

Remember to bring in your membership forms with payment of $20 and give it to Marlene Oswood. Or mail it to her at 1118 15th St S E in Mason City, Iowa 50401. (641-423-5575) Also bring 12 Self Addressed Stamped Envelopes to Jenny Schlutz. 1468 2nd St S E-Mason City or at picnic. If you took a charity quilt home with you in June please bring that as well. If you have made a charity quilt or two bring those with you! Thanks Girls!

NIQG Board Meeting May 27, 2008 by Jo Best
Meeting called to order by Pres., Kelsey Jones at 10 am at Sr. Center.
Discussion held about charges for ads in newsletter. It was decided to charge $5.00 for 1/8 page, $10.00 for 1/4 page, $20.00 for 1/2 page, and $40.00 for full page.
Jo reported Habitat dedication on Fri. May 30. She will present a quilt to family from NIQ. Lakeview room at Clear Lake had been reserved for Aug. 13 picnic beginning at 11 am. Plans for "quilt bingo" and flea market.
Carlene reported financial totals for quilt show: Income $ 3279, with expenses of $ 2175, giving profit of approx $1155. (raffle quilt profit approx. $600.). Voted to send $50.00 to Dave for extra janitor duties.
Discussion held about possibility of having a "Vendors Show - a One Stop Shop Hop, in lieu of having a quilt show. Jeannie M. will contact vendors for input. Need to make items for guild boutique. Motion by Carlene, 2nd by Ruth C. to present idea at meeting, carried.
Jo reported a representative from Birth Center will attend June meeting to accept # 1000th ABC baby quilt made by guild over past years! Winner, Carol Post, will be presented raffle quilt at June meeting.
Kelsey presented copies of by-laws for review. Carlene, Jenny and Kelsey will meet to finalize any changes and these will be presented at meeting and in newsletter.
Audit comm. will consist of Carlene D. and Ruth C. Mandy M. will coordinate Charity Quilt projects - inventory and donations.
June board meeting is postponed until July 8, 2008, at 10:00am at Sr. Center - to include present and incoming board members.
Marlene O. made motion to adjourn, second by Carlene, meeting adjourned at 11:30.
Jo Best , sec.

Secretary Minutes for June 25th, 2008 by Jo Best
The North Iowa Quilters' Guild met June 25, 2008 @ Covenant Church. This meeting had been post-poned two weeks due to the devastating floods in North Iowa.
The scheduled "Trupunto " workshop was cancelled. Jenny S., Mary Ruth C. and Kelsey J. organized and led a workshop in making Linus and ABC quilts.
A potluck lunch was held at noon.

The afternoon meeting began with a special presentation of our 1000th baby quilt to Nancy Jewel, Nurse Manager at the Birth Center, who responded with a heartfelt thank you and reading. Jo Best gave a brief history of our efforts making ABC quilts.
A gift of fabric was given to Cathy Knowles in appreciation.
Betty Neel reported on pattern selection for the next raffle quilt. She showed two options. The "Carolina Lily "was chosen by a majority vote.
Dixie S. reminded everyone about the North Iowa Fair, July 23 - 27, and encouraged sign-ups for the NIQ booth.
Kelsey will loan the guild a "lock box " to be used for storage of important papers, etc. She reviewed the by-laws with proposed changes. Jenny made motion to accept as written, Marlene O. seconded, motion carried.
Kelsey reminded of bus trip , sponsored by Lake Area Guild, to AQS show in Des Moines on Oct 11, 2008. Reservations can be made at Beehive Quilt Shop.
The challenge blocks/quilts for breast cancer campaign was presented. Kelsey showed sample fabrics and patterns from E. Burns' book "Victory Quilts". These are due Oct. 3.
Carlene Davis spoke briefly about options in lieu of next quilt show.
Show and tell was held including two antique quilts. Marie Senne conducted auction of library books. Jo Best, sec.

Mexican Lasagna by Carlene Davis1 1/2 # browned ground beef1 16 oz. can refried beans, fat free1 tsp. cumin and 2 tsp. oregano3/4 tsp. garlic powder4 cups shredded Monterey jack & sharp cheddar cheese (lite)12 uncooked lasagna noodles2 1/2 c. water2 1/2 c. salsa (chunky, mild or medium)2 c. sour cream (lite)3/4 c. chopped scallions (green onions)1 can sliced black olives Combine beef, spices and beans. Place 4 noodles in bottom of a 9 X 13 pan. Spread 1/2 meat mixture over noodles, layer of cheese. Add 4 more noodles, rest of meat and layer of cheese, 4 more noodles and layer of cheese. Combine water and salsa and pour over all, cover and bake at 350 degrees 1 1/2 hour or until noodles are tender. Combine sour cream, olives and scallions and spread over casserole. Top with layer of cheese. Bake 5 - 10 minutes more uncovered. Serves 8

Workshop/Program Groups
All groups will be updated in October. As members come and go, this is a necessary. If you have questions or comments please let me know. If your name appears first in the group it is only for if we have to postpone or cancel a meeting you will be called to call everyone in your group. If you do not want your name first then you must tell Jenny.

Upcoming workshops:
August 13th, 2008-annual picnic-Clear Lake
Sept 10th, 2008- Denise Sprain-Quilts on the Double!
Oct 8th, 2008- Kris Kerigan-Ye Olde Red School House
Nov 12th, 2008- Holly from Saintly Stitches-Go Green Bag
Dec 10th, 2008-Christmas celebration
Jan 14th, 2009-Charity Day

The By-Laws have been updated and will be available to all members at meetings. Be sure to pick your copy up.

Memberships Dues ($20) can be paid now for the upcoming 2008-2009 fiscal year. Membership expires on June 30th. Paying now ensures updated password entry to all patterns on our web site. It also helps out the Membership Chair to get out the phone lists by September Meeting. Forms will be available at June meeting and at Picnic in August. Also it will be in July & August newsletter. You may also down load the membership form off our website. Deadline to be included on membership phone list it August 30th, 2008. These forms are to be presented to Marlene Oswood.

12 Stamped and Addressed Envelopes need to be brought to Jenny by September to ensure a hard copy newsletter to be mailed to you. However if you don’t wish to have a newsletter mailed to you, you may read it on line. The only disadvantage to this is that patterns are copy written and many cannot appear on our website in any form but may have permission to appear in our hard newsletter.

Carolina Lily
2010 raffle quilt is in the works with Betty Neel and Margaret McMullin getting the patterns ready. The name of our quilt is Carolina Lily! Please say yes when asked to help to sew this quilt!

Pattern Committee this year is Laurie Schwarck and Jenny Schlutz! Hi girls! Laurie and I are working on getting projects ready for the upcoming year. We will have a Mystery Quilt that can be color coordinated or scrappy, Row by Row Naughty Round Robin which consists of blocks that have gone wrong and 5 minute blocks of the month lotteries! These will be simple blocks that take under 5 minutes to make! The more you make the more your chances of winning all of them for a lovely quilt! If there is a particular project that you would like to do please let us know! We are looking forward to a fun year of projects!

Fiber Arts Festival
The Fiber Arts Festival will be held at South Bridge Mall on September 27, 2008. If you would like to come and sell your sewing related items please let Jenny know. Tables are free and you take care of your own sales. She will get your tax forms for you.

I don't think our kids know what an apron is.The principal use of Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath, but along with that, it served as a potholder for removing hot pans from the oven. It was wonderful for drying children's tears, and on occasion was even used for cleaning out dirty ears .From the chicken coop, the apron was used for carrying eggs, fussy chicks, and sometimes half-hatched eggs to be finished in the warming oven.When company came, those aprons were ideal hiding places for shy kids.And when the weather was cold, grandma wrapped it around her arms.Those big old aprons wiped many a perspiring brow, bent over the hot wood stove.Chips and kindling wood were brought into the kitchen in that apron.From the garden, it carried all sorts of vegetables. After the peas had been shelled, it carried out the hulls.In the fall, the apron was used to bring in apples that had fallen from the trees. When unexpected company drove up the road, it was surprising how much furniture that old apron could dust in a matter of seconds. When dinner was ready, Grandma walked out onto the porch, waved her apron, and the men knew it was time to come in from the fields to dinner It will be a long time before someone invents something that will replace that "old-time apron" that served so many purposes REMEMBER: Grandma used to set her hot baked apple pies on the window sill to cool Her granddaughters set theirs on the window sill to thaw.
They would go crazy now trying to figure out how many germs were on that apron. I don't think I ever caught anything from an Apron.

Be happy! We all need to read this one over and over until it becomes part of who we are!
How to stay young: measure twice before cutting…
Be nice to quilters who may have a fabric you need…
Buy patterns and books: inspires you daily…
Spend lots of time with quilting friends laughing…
Keep healthy so that you can quilt with ease…
Visit quilt shows often: lots of good things there…
Forgive grumpy people: life is too short not to…

Use only clear plastic bags when transporting your quilts. It would be a sad day to accidently toss a quilt in the garbage! If you use white plastic bags clearly and in very large letters mark that bag with the contents! And only use plastic bags for short term use

Lost your favorite quilting thimble and can’t get to the shop? If you have an old thimble with a rounded top-place it on a secure surface, position a nail head on top and gently tap down. Should be a good temporary fix.

Store all your paper fusible in plastic bags and seal. This will help to keep the glue from drying out and separating from the paper!

Relax, stretch and clear your mind to keep healthy.

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