
February 10, 2009

Hardanger Workshop by Marilyn Meinecke

Marilyn will supply the cloth needed for learning Hardanger. Things you will need to bring are: chenille needle or blunt tapestry needle, color coordinated #5 and or #8 pearl cotton and embroidery floss, sharp scissors, tweezers and an embroidery hoop. Marilyn has made many beautiful Hardanger projects for friends and family. If you have any Hardanger books please bring them to share. They are difficult to find in our area. Doors will be open by 8:30AM and class will begin at 9AM. See you all there to learn this interesting ‘stitching and cutting’ project!

Potluck at noon with general meeting at 1PM
Flea market Flea market Flea market Flea market Flea market

SNOW DAYS…Just a reminder to everyone concerning snow days on guild days. If schools are closed, we will be also. However, arrangements will be made to have the meeting on the following Wednesday." Even if Mason City schools have NOT closed and yours does, use common sense and stay home. We think guild is very important; however, your safety is more so." As you all know we had to meet a week later due to our wonderful Iowa weather. The NIQG wishes to thank everyone who showed up to help make charity quilts on the 20th. 25 quilts were worked on simultaneously. Way to go girls!

Carlene Davies wishes to say…A big thanks to those members who came in the morning and helped put the quilts together. As I told the male onlookers, it was a big quilting bee and everyone (from the noise level in the room) enjoyed themselves. WE DO GOOD WORK AND HAVE FUN AT THE SAME TIME. If anyone would be interested in helping complete the quilts at the center, you're welcome any Tuesday. A bunch of us meet ,(Hooked on Tuesday Quilting Ladies) ,every Tuesday at the Senior Center between 9:00 a.m. and 1 or 2:00 p.m. to work on anything related to quilting (and not so related). The Center serves lunch at 1:45, with reservations being made the day before, at a very reasonable cost.

Cathy Knowles, Program Chair is checking into having Maggie Ball of Dragonfly come to teach a one day or two day class workshop within the next year. She hails originally from England and now lives on Bainbridge Island next to Seattle, Washington. Maggie has several pattern books published; her latest are Borgello with a Twist & Traditional Quilts with a Twist. You can check out her website at dragonflyquilts.com. Jenny and Kelsey have these books for you to see! Cathy will need to know if there is enough interest before we ask her to come. She has to be planned soon to fit her schedule! If you are interested please let her know ASAP! Further information will be available in the coming months.

Kelsey Jones has taken over the Treasurer’s job as Mary Ruth is working now and no longer has the time. We wish to thank Mary Ruth for her service as Treasurer! Thank you Mary Ruth!

NOTICE: We still have at least three checks outstanding from the November meeting that need to be cashed. Please girls check your purses and get those checks cashed. Any future money needed or to be given to guild, please let Carlene or Kelsey know.

Chinese Auction

The Chinese Auction had been going on for 2 years now. We wish to thank everyone who has donated to it and also to those who have had fun trying to win the items! $34.50 has been added to the Chinese Auction last month for a total of $751.90! Thanks to everyone! No Chinese Auction in February. We will have Flea Market instead.

Antique Lone Star Raffle Quilt
You’ve seen the quilt! Phyllis Wright has done up such a nice job of hand quilting this quilt. Don’t forget to buy your raffle quilt tickets for $1 each. The more tickets you buy the better your chances of winning the quilt! So far $27.00 had been collected. When we get to $50 we will draw for the winner. This is a steal, girls! A beautiful hand quilted antique Lone Star quilt! Let’s try to make the $50 this month. Who will win this wonderful quilt? Good luck to everyone!

Lottery block!

The lottery block is called ‘Depression’ by Marcia Hohn. This quickly made block is best made using scraps! A good time to get rid of pieces taking up room in your stash! Use lights and darks and have fun! Make as many as you desire. The more you make the better your chances of winning them all!

Comfort Quilt blocks

Included in the last newsletter is the heart to use as an appliqué. Cut out at least a 13” background, appliqué heart using your favorite method and trim down to 12 ½”. Make as many as you would like. Give these to Carlene Davis or better yet if you make at least 12 heart blocks you could put an alternating 12 ½” plain print block with them, add a border and sew them together for her. If you don’t have that heart template make your own! Hearts come in all flavors! Thank you to everyone as we bring comfort to our members who are our friends.

2009 Naughty Row by Row Quilt- theme will be ‘HOME’
First round is in the bag! You should have your second ‘coffee cup’ row done to pass along to the next gal at February Meeting. You will be handing your bag to the name listed for February. The next pattern will be available for you to use or not to use! It is a watering can! Remember to work on the project as if it were your own quilt. (Note: even though this is a ‘row by row’ doesn’t mean your row can’t be a column……..uh-oh…juices going?) NOTE: PLEASE MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE PERSON YOU ARE TO PASS YOUR BAG TO IF YOU CANNOT MAKE IT TO GUILD MEETING! It just isn’t fair to the person who has to wait and then hurry up her row. THANKS! Now have fun girls!

2010 Raffle Quilt- Cabin Lights
Please return your kit of blocks as soon as possible! Margaret McMullin & Betty Neel & Carlene Davis say thank you!

Board Meeting will be held on February 17th, 2009 at the Senior Center in Mason.

Lost! Nancy Malmin has lost her ruler! Please check your bags. She had her name on it!

Dixie Schaer has lost her camera! Please check your bags!

Show and Tell
Lenore Forbes showed off two darling wool runners. Kim Sime shared her ‘honey of a quilt’ called the Minnesota Pinwheels lap quilt that she made for a retiring friend. What a lucky friend! Jo Best made a Linus quilt made with lottery blocks that she had won. It will be going to a nice young man that she knows. Ruth Ward showed us her beautiful Red Work quilt and a sweet Teddy Bear quilt, teddy bears made with flannel. This quilt will be given to her great grandson yet to be born! Very cute! Marilyn Meinecke showed us her charming baby quilt and a bowtie framed. Then to finish up the show and tell, Lola Stiles wowed us with her Rose Quilt! What a talent this lady owns! Thanks everyone who shared their quilts with us!

Magic Attic Windows

Upcoming workshops:
Mar, 2009- ‘Think Pink’ Magic Windows by Kelsey Jones
April 2009- Group 3- Woven Ribbons class by Lola Stiles
May 2009-‘Blue Berry Hill’ Log Cabin with a twist by Jenny Schlutz
June 2009- Group 5- to be determined
(Classes may be changed due to weather and availability of teachers)

Workshop/Program Groups
All groups are responsible to help workshop/ program person carry her things in/out, general kitchen set up and clean up. Please be there early enough to help her. That month’s group is also responsible to bring desserts for afternoon coffee. Help is needed at the sign in table to provide info to visitors and new members and man the Chinese auction. It takes many hands to make light work. Programs costing more than $100 needs to go to the board for approval.

Oct 2008-Group 6: Kelsey Jones, Marilyn Meinecke, Dorothy Birch, Cathy Knowles, Mary Ruth Calland & Patricia Calland
Nov 2008-Group 7: Gwen Mathews, Darlene Alexander, Marge Bahnsen, Betty Werle, & Le Nore Forbes
Dec 2008-Officers & Board: Christmas Party
Jan 2009-Group 8: Marion Anderson, Wilma Ades, Joan Chandler, Laurie Schwarck, & Minerva Wagner (Nancy Malmin)
Feb 2009-Group 1: Barb DeBoer, Thelma Bohn, Bev Adams, Carlene Davis and Shelly Koren
March 2009-Group 2: Marlene Oswood, Jeanne Moorehead, Ruth Ward, Betty Neel & Kim Sime
April 2009- Group 3: Margaret McMullin, Jo Ann Johnson, Nancy Trager, Janice Pralle. Lola Stiles & Margaret Hanawalt
May 2009-Group 4: Jenny Schlutz, Dixie Schaer, Norma Jean Miller, Phyllis Wright & Jean Payne
June 2009-Group 5: Kaye Klukow, Sue Hansen, Florence Hagstrom, Sharon Weckworth, Jo Best & Mary Ann Johnson
For the afternoon luncheon, all groups are free to take a table and decorate it as we
did at the Masonic Temple. Please separate this table before meeting starts. We don’t have to have everything in the kitchen. Please feel free to do your thing! We encourage it!

Upcoming elections in June
It is not too early to be thinking about elections of officers and board members. We also need chair holders as well. It takes all of us working together to have a successful guild. One thing to remember is that no one works alone on any project. We all work as a group.
I will be President this next year. I am excited and looking forward to serving the NIQG, the best I can, however I am nervous too. I am more of a ‘behind the scenes’ type of person. But I know that if I need help I only have to ask. That is what is great about our guild. Everyone is grand at working together. Just look at Charity Quilt day. You ladies were wild and crazy whipping out those quilts! Thanks very much for that!

I have a Vice President who has agreed to help. Margaret McMullin will be filling that place. I will need a Secretary and a Treasurer. We will need to replace 2 Board members. We also will need new chairs for various projects. Margaret, Norma Jean Miller and I will be contacting you soon to see what areas you would like to help in. Remember you never work alone.
Carlene Davis is our Quilt Show Chair. She will need lots of help as the show is planned. We need your ideas and help in many areas for the show. Please say yes to her when she asks for assistance and quilts.

Kelsey Jones is our Web Mistress. She is in need of people to train to load info on our website in case she has an emergency which happened earlier this winter. If you are interested please let her know soon.

I will be presenting the areas needed to be filled at the March Meeting. Please be thinking about it! Our membership is the lowest it has been in many years due to passing away and health issues! Even if you have held a position before do it again! We need each of you!
Thank you everyone! Jenny Schlutz

Secretary Board Minutes by Le Nore Forbes
The NIQG met on Jan 20, 2009 at the Senior Center at 10AM. 6 members present. The quilt show expenses will come out of the savings account. The regular expenses are slowly depleting our bank account. We will need some money making projects.
Our program groups need to start planning ahead several months for their programs. Contact Cathy Knowles for additional help. There are area quilt shop owners who are willing to give programs.

Ruth Calland has full time employment at Hobby Lobby. She is asking for a replacement as she feels she hasn’t the time to do a good job and can’t attend all the meetings.
IPTV has asked for a donation. We have paid for the year, a donation of $100 in August, we will give again next Sept for the 2010 year. Dorothy Wismer family has given a donation of $30. A motion was made by Ruth Ward and 2nd by Norma Jean Miller to give donation, reimbursements and grants to the savings account for the quilt show. Motion carried.
Jenny will be on the nominating committee for officers and board for the coming year. We will be looking forward for your cooperation. Ruth made a motion to adjourn. 2nd by Jenny. Motion carried.

Secretary Minutes by Le Nore Forbes
The NIQG met on Jan 21, 2009, at the Covenant Church at 8:30. We all pitched in and made many charity quilts. A delicious pot luck lunch was enjoyed at noon. The business meeting was conducted by Carlene Davis, President.

The raffle quilt kits where mostly returned. If you have a kit please return it to Carlene. Kelsey Jones received a comfort quilt for the passing of her Mom.

The nominating committee for officers are, Jenny Schlutz, Margaret McMullin and Norma Jean Miller. A new temporary Treasurer has been accepted by Kelsey Jones. Chinese Auction winners are Marilyn M(2), Jeanne Moorehead(2), Cathy Knowles, Kelsey Jones, Lola Stiles and Ruth Ward.

The February program will be on Hardanger by Marilyn M. we will need 18 count aida cloth, blunt tapestry needle, pearl cotton #5 & #8, embroidery hoop, sharp scissors and tweezers. Naughty Rows shown by members.

Jo Best will look into the Clear Lake room for the August Picnic. Dixie Schaer reported on the North Iowa Fair Booth. More info will be given later if there will be charges this year. Continued
Kelsey will teach classes on the web site operations. Please contact her if you are interested in learning and helping out.

Cathy Knowles will look into possibly having work shop and trunk show by Maggie Ball of Dragon Fly quilts. The quilts that were finished today were shown. Various members showed their recent projects. Betty Neel donated two very pretty lacy Comfort Quilts as well as ABC quilts. A delicious lunch was served by the committee. North Iowa Quilt Guild

MINUTES December 10, 2008
Meeting was called to order by President Carlene Davis with 27 members present. Minutes of November 12, 2008, were approved as printed. November's Treasurer's report was accepted and placed on file.

Announcement noting January's program will be working on quilts for various organizations. Also there will be a Flea Market. Kits for blocks for the raffle quilt were handed out with the request that the completed blocks be returned at the January meeting.

Jennie also explained the process for the “Naughty Rows” and Mystery Guilt with the bags for the “Naughty Row” quilts were distributed.

Jennie, Norma and Jeanne provided the door prizes and as there were a large number of Santas, everyone won the prizes, with three left over.

Show and Tell consisted on three baby quilts and two wall hangings by Carlene Davis; an appliqué butterfly by Cathy Knowles; pillowcases constructed during the workshop by Marlene Oswood, Jennie Schlutz and Dixie Schaer; a purple floral quilt by Phyllis Wright and a graduation quilt by Shelly Koran.

The meeting adjourned and lunch was served.
How True it is…

Another year has passed and we’re all a little older.
Last summer felt hotter and winter seems colder.

I rack my brain for happy thoughts to put down on my pad. But lots of things that come to mind just make me kind of sad.

There was a time not long ago when life was quite a blast. Now I fully understand about living in the past.

We used to go to weddings, football games and lunches. Now we got to funeral homes and after funeral brunches.

We used to have hangover from parties that were gay. Now we suffer body aches and while the night away.

We used to travel often to places near and far. Now we get sore bottoms from riding in the car.

We used to go out shopping for new clothing at the mall. But, now we never bother…all the sizes are too small.

We used to go to nightclubs and drink a little booze. Now we stay at home at night and watch the evening news.

That my friend is how life is and now my tale is told. So enjoy each day and live it up! Before you’re too darned old!

May God let us all grow old gracefully!

Mystery Quilt 2009! PART SIX! Ok girls! Let’s put the quilt together! Following are the samples to put your quilt together. I can’t follow the rules so I altered mine to suit my tastes. I hope you all had fun making this neat quilt. If you need all of the instructions at once please let me know and I can get you a copy of it.

Cutting the last components of blocks:
Cut 16- 2 ½” x 4 ½” light rectangles.
Cut 8- 2 ½” x 2 ½” dark squares
Cut 8- 2 ½” x 2 ½” medium/dark squares
Assemble blocks: you will make four 16 ½” square blocks.
Next cut your 12 long strips to 16 ½” lengths and add to blocks using the nine patches for cornerstones.
After completing the sashing strips and cornerstones, add 2 ½” x 50 ½” inner border strips to the top and bottom of blocks. Then add 2 ½” x 54 ½” strips to the sides.
Flying geese-
Add the flying geese to the top and bottom making sure they face each other in the center.
Add the cornerstones to the remaining geese also making sure the geese meet in the center on the sides.
Outer border- Add 4 ½” borders starting at the top first then add to the sides. That’s it! Sandwich and quilt your mystery in any fashion that suits you! Cut 2 ½” strips for binding or cut a back large enough to bring to front and secure! I hope you had fun with this quilt!

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