
July 8 2009

July is upon us with heat and stormy weather. It is a good time to get out to your vegetable and flower gardens early in the day and back in the air conditioning for quilting! Get your sewing machines oiled up and start cranking out those quilts! Remember that we will not meet in July at the Covenant Church as the North Iowa Fair is our project for the month. Instead of a board meeting this month, we will have a Quilt Show Meeting, at 10AM, on Tuesday July 21st at the Senior Center.
The HOTQs will continue to meet on all Tuesdays at 9AM for sewing and sharing friendships at the Senior Center. Everyone is always welcome to come join them for fun and get help with any quilts. Remember that sewing machines are available for your use along with raised tables for basting quilts. Quilting tools are also available for your use too. You only need to bring your projects that you wish to work on or need help with. Also if you wish to have lunch you must let the Center know at least one day ahead. Their information is: Senior Citizen’s Center-326 4th street N E: 641-423-1502.

North Iowa Fair in Mason City, Iowa: July 22-26, 2009
Dixie Schaer-NI Fair Chairlady
We will need you to come help set up our booth at about 3:30PM on Tuesday July 21st at the fair. Please come to the North Iowa Fair with your quilts for show in our booth and any accessories that are appropriate for quilts. We have asked the Lake Area Quilters to join us also. Be sure to enter quilts for competition. Dixie will have a signup sheet for you to fill your time/s to help out manning our booth. These are 2 hour increments. When you come to work in the booth you may bring hand work with you, if you want to, as this helps to create interest to patrons. You do not have to bring any quilting if you don’t wish to. Be sure to be ready to give information about our club and answer any questions about quilts. There will be information sheets about our club and other quilt clubs available to pass out to patrons. See you there!
A thank you to our members!
Last month we had Five Fun Mini Workshops! These were excellent demonstrations given by our very talented members. They are Florence Hagstrom, who taught a quick workshop on making attractive tissue boxes in no time at all. Jo Best, showered us with her knowledge of rouching flowers and a fancy poinsettia. Mary Ryerson dazzled us with a fantastic fast method of making nine patches with strips of fabric. Kaye Klukow encouraged us not to be afraid of curves and had wonderful samples showing how to tackle those curves with ease. And Mary Ann Johnson amazed us with a very simple tuck method that can be used in not only pillows but in quilts as well. After our potluck we really enjoyed Dixie Schaer’s Trunk Show! Dixie told us a story about each of the beautiful quilts she had created. She also told us she had another tub filled with quilt tops somewhere in her sewing room! Sure hope she finds them and can give another Trunk Show someday! We wish to thank our members for a very pleasurable and educating day.
2009 Naughty Row by Row Quilt- theme ‘HOME’
NOTE: For the last few years we have been playing quilt bingo after our August potluck and general meeting. This year we will have our ‘Naughty Rows Reveal’ instead. With 15 participants in this project we need the time to get the rows up for photos and probably a few laughs too. Ok maybe a lot of laughs! Further details will be in August Newsletter.
Ok Girls we have come to the end of creating the rows. You should be working on your ‘Letters’ row or have it finished. At our August picnic we will have an area set up to take photos of the rows before they are sewn together. This will be the first time the owner will see her rows! We will then see who has been naughty and who has been nice! Remember the first row is the ‘theme home’! The second is ‘coffee cup’. The third row is ‘watering cans and the fourth is ‘tulips’. The 5th row is ‘hearts’. The 6th row is a flying goose or a friendship block! You choose which to use or don’t use them at all.
And last but not least is the 7th row using ‘Letters’. You may use the pieced letters provided or make your own. Perhaps you want to appliqué them on. Or you can use an embroidery machine or perhaps you have embroidery letters on your machine already to use. When you make the lettering please keep in mind whose quilt you are working on. Look at the top of your bag and see who owns the quilt. If it is Minerva’s for example, look at all her rows and give her quilt a name. It may be ‘Minerva’s Country Quilt’ or ‘Minerva’s ‘Naughty Row by Row’ or simply ‘Country Happenings’ or ‘Country Home’ or ‘County Christmas’.
What ever you think best describes her quilt you will make the letters for her. Now these letterings don’t have to be horizontal they may be vertical or even crosswise or perhaps in a circle. Please do not just pen the name on. That is just too naughty! Now stop that snickering girls!
Quilt labels will be offered for all quilt makers at the August Picnic. This way the quilt owner can add on it all the ‘Naughty Girls’ who had worked to create her quilt. With this quilt being so naughty I bet there will be a label or two on the front of the quilts or attached in some amusing way! Time will tell!
You will then have until December to finish your quilts to be qualified for prizes! The categories will be determined later. We have 4 very nice prizes already for you!

Chinese Baked Goods Auction
An incredible $46.50 was added to the Chinese Baked Goods Auction! The total is now $875.15 after almost 2 years of ‘auctions’! Thanks to everyone! This has been an enjoyable fund raiser! The monies have been used to help pay for our guild’s activities. The Chinese Auctions will continue in September. This Auction will be a little different! It will be a mystery! Brown bags filled with quilting items and such will be available to buy tickets on. What’s in the bags? You won’t know until you win the bag! Each ticket is 25¢!

Officers, Board and Chairperson
The slates for officers and board members have been approved! I wish to thank everyone for volunteering for these positions and also filling the different chairs. You are very much appreciated. Everyone will take their positions at the August Picnic. There will be a short board meeting after picnic activities. Here is the slate as it stands.
Officers: Pres-Jenny Schlutz, Vice Pres-Margaret McMullin, Sec-Kim Sime, Treas-Kelsey Jones. Board: Norma Jean Miller, Marlene Oswood, Jeanne Moorehead, LeNore Forbes and Mary Ann Johnson. (out-going board-Ruth Ward & Dorothy Birch). Chairs: Newsletter-Jenny, Membership-Kelsey Jones, Programs-Cathy Knowles, Sunshine-Kim, Habitat-Margaret McMullin, ABC-Jo Best, Comfort-Carlene Davis, NI Fair-Dixie Schaer, Quilt Show-Carlene Davis, 2010 Raffle Quilt-Margaret & Betty Neel, web mistress-Kelsey. Thank you everyone! Jenny Schlutz

Thank you
Marlene Oswood would like to thank everyone who called and sent cards to her after the passing of her sister. Our thoughts and prayers go to you Marlene.

Audit Committee
Kelsey Jones and LeNore Forbes will balance the Treasury funds sometime before September.

Fiber Arts Festival
The Fiber Arts Festival will be held at South Bridge Mall on Saturday September 19, 2009 from 10AM – 4PM. You are all welcome to come and sell sewing related items. Tables are free. We will need at least 4 or 5 gals to sign up to sell raffle tickets. Please say yes! A signup sheet will be available at August picnic.

2010 Quilt Show
April 17th & 18th, 2010 Sat 10-4PM & Sun Noon -4
Newman High School $3 admissions
Friday April 16th at 4PM will be set up time.
A Quilt Show meeting will be held on July 21st at the Senior Center at 10AM.
Raffle tickets will be ready soon. All members are expected to purchase 10 tickets for $10. You may sell them or enter your name to win the ‘Cabin Lights’ quilt. Please help sell tickets at any events in your area. Money from the sales funds the guild for 2 years.

Saintly Stitches Quilt shop has opened in the Willowbrook Mall! You must check out Holly’s second quilt shop! Lots of new things!

Fonz and Porter Quilt Magazine
We are waiting until August to send the Fonz and Porters as there has been labels turned in without money. If you want Fonz & Porter subscription, Please include the $20.00 with label or information. Thank you, Kelsey Jones

Raffle Quilt News!
I have submitted a photo of our raffle quilt to an organization called ‘We’d Rather Be Quilting’ contest. They publish a twice yearly National Guide and a Regional Guide of upcoming quilt shows in the US. It would be an honor to be on the cover of their Booklet if we win. If we don’t win at least the quilt will represent our quilt show and hopefully attract more patrons!

Bus-trip Form is included in this newsletter. If you are interested in going to the Paduka Quilt show in Des Moines please fill it out with your $30 attached to it and take it to the quilt shop in Willowbrook Mall or give it to Betty Buss or Chris Spurr. You must have the money paid to hold your seat!
Membership form is included in the newsletter as well as on line at our website wwwniqg.org.
Please fill out and include $20. This is due at the August or September meetings. Or if you prefer, you may mail them to Kelsey Jones – 232 5th N W Mason City, Iowa 50401. Please write ‘membership form’ clearly on envelope. You may also drop them off at my home or mail them to me, Jenny Schlutz. My address is 1468 2nd S E Mason City, Iowa 50401.
Due to the economy we are trying to save money for our guild. You all need to tell me whether you would prefer to receive the newsletter as a hard copy, e-mail or just read it on our website.
-This is what will happen: if you wish to receive the newsletter by snail mail you will need to bring with you to the August or September meetings, 12 self addressed and stamped envelopes. You must also have your membership paid. You will receive the entire newsletter as it is intended. Patterns included (with permission).
-If you prefer it by e-mail it will be delivered as a ‘pdf’ which means you can print it out as if you received it directly from me. But to get the patterns you will be given a link. I also would have to have your e-mail address.
-or simply log on to our website and you will see an edited version. What this means is that you will not see any the treasury report or any other significant information that is not for nonmembers. You will not see any patterns unless you are a member and have the password.
If I do not get envelopes from you and you have not indicated that you prefer e-mail I will assume that you will be reading it on our website. You will have until the October newsletter is ready to send, to let me know. I have heard from several of you already. I appreciate you telling me so that I can be better organized. Jenny

Habitat Homes
A Habitat Home in Forest City will be available soon for new home owners. It is a home that had been occupied by a wonderful family. But due to unfortunate circumstances they had to move. An open house was presented to attract the next owners.
A Habitat Home in Mason City will be available soon for Chris Hjelmgren and his son Christopher, age 11. This Habitat home was originally occupied by a very nice family for 14 years. They have since donated the house back to Habitat and moved because of a job transfer.
There have been 34 Habitat Homes completed in the 6 county area. We have donated 38 quilts.

Secretary’s Report
The NIQG met at the Covenant Church. Workshops were enjoyed by all. Mary Reyerson-9-patch blocks: 2 blocks sewn and cut together. Florence Hagstrom-fabric tissue box. Kaye Klukow-curved piecing using templates, Jo Best-rouching flowers and poinsettia and Mary Ann Johnson-Zig-Zag pillow top: learning to make tucks.
A delicious potluck was served at noon!
Carlene Davis, President opened the meeting at 1:00pm. Visitors were Carol Horsfall, Karen Thacker and Lola Stiles’ cute granddaughter Katy. New members are Sharon Schneider and Shirley Schneider. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were approved. The slate of new officers and board were approved.
Jenny Schlutz presented the ‘Naughty Row by Row”. The last row is letters. Chinese Auction was held. There were 13 items-cookies and other goodies to buy chances on.
The date for the quilt is April 17-18, 2010. The raffle quilt will be ready for showing. We need new ideas for places to sell chances. A sign up sheet was passed around.
August picnic will be at the Clear Lake Room in City Park. Set p for the Flea Market and potluck will be at 10:30. Jenny requested self addressed envelopes or e-mail addresses for the newsletter. Dixie Schaer sent around a sign up sheet for volunteers to sit at the Fair in July.
We voted to sponsor prizes for the Fair quilting competition. Prizes: $15 and membership- Best of Show, $5 and membership- Best Hand quilting. The Clear Lake Quilters will have 2 buses for the AQS show in Des Moines on Oct 31. The cost is $30, $10 of this for admissions to the show. Contact Betty or Chris Spurr at the new quilt shop in Willowbrook Mall. Phone number is 430-1288.
A sign-up sheet was passed around to show your preference of areas to work at the quilt show. Cathy Knowles stated our Feb 2010 workshop is to make items to sell at the Boutique.
Show and Tell: Minerva Wagner showed their beautiful raffle quilt for Osage’s Sacred Heart church. The festival with lunch will be held the last Sunday in Sept. many other beautiful pieces were shown also. The program was given by Dixie Schaer- showing many of her early quilts progressing to the later ones over 20 years of quilting. Beverages and sweet treats were served and enjoyed by all. Secretary LeNore Forbes

June 16, 2009 Board Minutes
The NIQG Board met at the Senior Center at 9:45. Pres. Carlene Davis opened the meeting. There were 9 members present. Secretary and Treasurer’s reports approved. And audit committee of Kelsey and LeNore and a general quilt member to be appointed. Kelsey will take a picture of the raffle quilt and get tickets. Tickets will be ready by August meeting and all tickets will be $1 each. All member are expected to purchase 10 tickets to sell or use for themselves. Lake Area Guild will do the bus trip for Quilt show in Des Moines. Purchase tickets at Saintly Stitches in Willow brook Mall. $30 will hold your seat.
Dues are $20 for the coming year. Please fill out the information form and present to Kelsey. Meeting adjourned. Secretary LeNore Forbes

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