
March 10, 2010

Deanne Eisenman
Pattern designer of Snuggle Quilts

Deanne will be presenting an enjoyable and enlightening workshop, Easy Trupunto. She hails from Osage, Iowa and has been designing for several years. She has several patterns available and a new book called ‘Country-Fresh Quilts’. You may visit her website at: snugglequilts.com.

Class starts at 9AM
Doors open by 8:15-30

Be ready to take instruction and sew! 15 gals have signed up for class!
Irons and ironing board will be available. It will be best if you have your fabrics cut and labeled before class. Cost of class is the pattern to be paid to Deanne. Come join us for good cheer, fellowship and learn a fun technique to boot! Deanne will have a trunk show of her patterns in the afternoon and will have patterns for sale! Don’t miss out! She is a very talented and fun designer!

Easy Trupunto Supply List
1. Sewing machine and supplies (like scissors, needles, rulers etc)
2. Rotary mat and cutter
3. Pattern (supplied by teacher)
4. Fabrics and Supplies:
4 assorted fall colored fat eighths
- cut into 20 squares 3 7/8 x 3 7/8" that are cut diagonally for 40 half square triangles
1 fat quarter light or medium tan
- cutting: 1 rectangle 6 1/2" x 18 1/2"
2 strips 1 1/4" x 14"
4 strips 1 1/4 x 12 1/2"
18 x 30" piece of batting
Pellon® Wonder-Under®
YLI Wash-a-Way Thread
1/2 yard backing fabric
1 fat quarter of binding fabric
Potluck at noon!

North Iowa Quilters’ Guild 2010 Quilt Show
13th Biennial
April 17th & 18th, 2010 Sat 10-4PM & Sun Noon -4
Newman High School $3 admissions
(Friday April 16th at 4PM will be set up)

Carlene has signup sheets to work different areas and they are starting to fill in nicely. There are still a few spots that need filling. Please say yes to help our show be the best it can be! We so appreciate all of you! YOU represent your guild! YOU make the show! All of us working together to present a beautiful and successful show can only happen because of YOU! THANK YOU GIRLS!

GET YOUR QUILTS FINISHED! Registration forms are due March 10th, 2010! Please turn the forms in to Connie Wagner or Carlene Davis! Registration forms included in newsletter and will be available at guild meetings. The registration form also includes the antiques and accessories items. We need these items to set at the feet of the quilt hangars. Please fill them out and returned by March meeting. This way Carlene and Jeanne will have a good idea of setting up the floor plans! And Connie needs time to type them up so they will look nice for the quilt show! April 7th meeting will be the absolute last day of registration.

New Changes to Quilt Show set up! In addition to 9 Vendors, the Boutique will also make its début in the main room! With fewer members it is getting harder and harder to get that room filled with large quilts. It has been discussed that we will hang the small quilts alongside the large ones. Carlene and Jeanne Moorehead will have a floor plan laid out for the show. If you have thoughts on this please let Carlene know. We appreciate all your talents!

Boutique items! All kitted items that Jeanne and Ruth put together for sale for NIQG need to be returned to them by March meeting! Any other items that you wish to donate need to be brought to them ASAP! The girls need time to get them marked for sale. All other personal items to be sold in the Boutique must be written on a form and given to Boutique Chairs- Phyllis Wright and Mary Ann Johnson. They will have the forms at March meeting for you to fill out. You need not return them until day of ‘set up’.

Raffle tickets- MEMBERS! If you have not purchased your raffle tickets do so now! You may sell them or enter your name to win the ‘Cabin Lights’ quilt. Come on Girls! Ticket Sales are lagging! We NEED YOU! Please help sell tickets at any events in your area. Money from the sales, funds the guild for 2 years. See Margaret McMullin and Betty Neel.

Chairpersons for the committees are as follows:
Door Prizes – Dixie Schaer, Hostesses – Kim Sime, Registration of quilts, Antiques & Accessories – Connie Wagner , Publicity – Cathy Knowles, Boutique – Mary Ann Johnson & Phyllis Wright, Vendors – Jeanne Moorehead, Ruth Ward, Quilt Raffle – Margaret McMullin,
Show Arrangement – Carlene Davis, Admissions – Cathy Knowles

Starting in September we will have a new and revised Group Listing. With our membership down we need to fill into groups twice a year instead of once to make it easier on everyone! A signup sheet will be passed around for the next few meetings for you to sign up ‘TWO’ times in whatever months you choose. We need at least 5-6 members per month.
Your duties are:
1. To provide a workshop and program (with the help of a prog. chair if needed).
2. Arrive early enough to help the workshop person carry in their wares & help them load back up.
3. Move tables according to workshop.
4. Make coffee & juice (provide treats?)
5. Introduce the workshop/program person.
6. Kitchen set up of potluck (take out hot dishes, set out plates, cups napkins & etc.)
7. Provide desserts for afternoon.
8. Kitchen clean up. Room clean up.
Upcoming Events:
April 7, 2010- group 3-Lots going on this day! Bring any project that you need help with, whether it is sandwiching a quilt or need help sewing on binding or whatever you need to get finished before quilt show. We may still need labels sewn on charity quilts.
At the beginning of meeting we will have the Naughty Row by Row reveal and vote! Come prepared to vote! During the meeting we will have 2 people add up the votes.
After a short meeting, Cathy Knowles will finally be able to present us with a mini workshop on flowers (hopefully no blizzard this day). You will need your hand sewing kit for this. She will provide everyone with a kit. Free will donation to her. Afternoon luncheon will follow!
April 17th & 18th NIQG Quilt Show
May 12th 2010-group 4- New pattern ‘Broken Fences’ by Jenny and afternoon trunk show by Dixie Schaer or Marie Senne program on Silk Threads from Thailand
June 9th 2010-group 5- Shelly Robson from Quilted Forest of Forest City
Lets Swap Squares 2009-2010
We are trading 12 sets of 2. If you put your set of 2 in a small baggy with the 12 other sets we can divide these up easily.
If you cannot get your, ‘Swap Squares’ to guild meeting, make arrangements to do so. We realize the weather has not been the best this year; in fact it has been dreadful! Be fair to other members!
Please remember the golden rule: trade with others as you wish others to trade unto you, good quality, 100% cotton quilt weight fabric.

Lottery blocks change:
Due to lack of participation, the Lottery Block will be changed to Charity Block. Each month you will be given a free block, courteous of Macia Hohn, to make as many as you wish in any color scheme. These blocks will be kept together and then later will be put into charity quilts for our various projects. www.quilterscache.com
The name of the block for March is Sawtooth.

NIQG Quilt Block
A quilt block honoring the North Iowa Quilters’ Guild was mailed to the 2010 Ellis County Quilt Show, sponsored by the Creative Quilters Guild of Ellis County, Texas, USA. This block will be placed among other guilds from all over the world to be displayed in their quilt show on July 16-17, 2010. The theme for the 2010 Quilt Show is “Stitches Around the World”.

Elections! Elections! Elections!
Margaret has been very busy filling her slate of volunteers to help her run the NIQG next year. The final vote on these positions will be in May.
In June all Officers, & Chair holders should create a write up of what they did or what transpired during their year of activities to be passed along to the next person to assist them.
Official handover of duties will commence in August at our annual picnic. So far these are our upcoming volunteers for next year.
President- Margaret McMullin
Vice President- Connie Wagner
Treasurer- Jean Payne
Secretary- Kim Sime (also Sunshine)
Board Members- sitting one more year are- LeNore Forbes & Mary Ann Johnson
Outgoing- Norma Jean Rowe
Jeanne Moorehead & Marlene Oswood
Incoming- Betty Neel, Carlene
Davis & Dixie Schaer
Membership- Norma Jean Rowe
ABC Quilt- Jo Best
Comfort Quilt- Carlene Davis
Share Quilt- all members
2012 Quilt Show Chair-
2012 Quilt show raffle quilt-
Web Manager- Tammy Calvert
Remember to bring back your comfort blocks and give them to Carlene!

Mother’s Day Tea Social
Friday May 7, 2010 at 1:30PM
Terri Atkinson, (422-1008) director of Activities at the Good Sheppard, is absolutely thrilled that we are coming to present a small quilt show for the Senior Citizens! I have 6 members willing to bring quilts for the Seniors to enjoy. These amazing ladies are: Phyllis Wright, Norma Jean Rowe, Connie Wagner, Marge Bahsen, Ruth Ward and me (I am not amazing, just ordinary). Anyone else who wishes to come is welcome! We will meet at the south entrance at 1PM and then proceed to display area. We are also invited to tea and goodies! Thanks girls!

Cathy Knowles suggests we visit this website:
www.quilterstv.com. It has many tutorials for novice quilters and longtime quilters!

Naughty Row by Row Quilts!
Remember this is a ‘Naughty Challenge’. Whether you bring your quilt completed or pinned to a sheet or in a baggie, in April you will be voting on your favorite Quilts! There will be 6 categories with 6 prizes!
1. Most inventive
2. Most challenging
3. Best use of color
4. Most in need of help
5. Probably becoming an UFO
6. No hope
However your quilts are done for April meeting, they must be completed for quilt show! Don’t forget to register your Naughty Quilt! Ain’t I just a Naughty Girl! Hehe!

Amending By-Laws
We are going to amend the NIQG By-laws soon. We will post and discuss the changes with all members. Final voting on amendments will be in June. If you do not have a current By-Laws draft one will be provided to you at meetings. They will be available at sign in table. Please pick up your copy as you need to be advised on the upcoming changes.

Amendment #1- Article 3 Section 6 - If a vacancy occurs in any office (excluding the President) with said term consists of more than 6 months an election for the unexpired term may be held. If less than 6 months have ensued, the President may appoint someone to fill the unexpired term or ask for a volunteer.

Amendment #2 – Article 6 Section #1 – The program chairman will assist group members for the year following her appointment. She will work during her first year helping to plan next year’s workshop/programs to pass onto the next program chair that will then ensue. Any workshop/programs that exceed $100 must have approval of the Board. A minimal amount of $40 will be paid to any member who presents a workshop and or program.

Amendment #3 – Article 6 Section #2 – Historian will be deleted.
(No longer any interest.)

Amendment #4 – Article 6 Section # 9- Charity Chair will be deleted.
(All members are included.)

Amendment $5 – Article 8 Section #3 – In the event of the disbanding of the North Iowa Quilters guild, monies in the Treasury after all expenses have been paid shall be dispersed, at the discretion of the immediate Board.

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