
November 11, 2009

Workshop 9AM-11:45AM

Kits will be available for you to make your mystery project. Everything is included in your
kit to make the project, including backing, batting and borders. The only things you will need
are a general hand sewing kit, black embroidery floss or black pearl cotton, paper scissors
and a number 2 or mechanical pencil. You will be able to complete the project except the
borders and you can take those home to do.

Please remember, if you are not taking the workshop, please respect the instructor and the attendees and keep your activities and conversations to a minimum. We will, in turn, try to set up in the rear of the room, so that there is space between activities. Again, if this class is a class that is costing the guild and members to participate, looking over shoulders and taking part in the workshop in any way will classify you as part of that workshop and fees will be expected. Another reminder that shouldn’t need repeating is about starting the workhshops promptly at 9:00. Most workshops need all the time we can spare, so that we can take home completed or nearly completed projects. So help us out, ladies, this is for your pleasure and fun.

Potluck at noon with a general meeting starting at 1PM. Fran Randall of Mason City will follow with a trunk show of her originally created and constructed jackets. She has something for everyone and she may even bring some of her wonderfully designed teddy bears. See you in November!
Remember to contact Kim Sime if there is any news of members that needs to be shared. Perhaps there is a new baby in the family or someone receives an award, anniversaries or a death in the family has occurred. Please call Kim at 641-423-7727. We need to take care of each other!

Fiber Arts Festival
After many years of chairing for the Fiber Arts Festival held in South Bridge Mall and the lack of interest, I have stepped down as Chair of this project. Connie Wagner and Shelly Koran (of
NIQG) will continue the tradition and be your contact persons for 2010.

Hostessing for your month
There are a number of activities the hostesses must do to have a smoothly run workshop and meeting. The church is open by 8:15- 8:30 and most instructors will need that time to set up their display. You need to be available to help the instructors, and also to get the tables in the right configuration for the workshop. That way the workshop can start right at 9:00 to allow enough time for it.
That means the coffee must be started and cold drinks mixed. The ice is located in the machine in the closet next to the preschool. The coffeepot, ironing boards and tub of supplies to be used are all in the preschool closet and must be brought out into the fellowship hall or kitchen. Beverages may need to be replenished for the luncheon.As hostesses you bring the desserts, centerpieces and anything special to be used for the afternoon luncheon, other members provide the potluck. One or two members in your group must man the welcome table to take care of Chinese auction tickets and other signup sheets and etc, and to welcome everyone coming in! It is very pleasant to be acknowledged when you arrive! After lunch, everybody needs to help clean up the kitchen, get their leftovers put together and basically, all that should be in the kitchen is the desserts for the afternoon luncheon. The hostesses must make sure that the kitchen is cleaned up by putting everything back in its proper location, making sure that the waste baskets are emptied into a large bag (under the counter along the back wall of the kitchen) and that bag taken to the dumpster. Garbage bags can be found in the kitchen closet. Paper towels are found beside that closet on an open shelf. As of right now the tables and chairs can be left out as there is an activity that evening. But please place the chairs with the tables and pick up any refuse under and around them. (From Carlene: The October hostesses did a fantastic job. Hopefully every group will keep the above information on hand, so that each month will go as smoothly as this month.)

2010 Quilt Show
April 17th & 18th, 2010 Sat 10-4PM & Sun Noon -4
Newman High School $3 admissions
Friday April 16th at 4PM will be set up time.
Quilt Show meetings will be held at the guild meetings. Carlene will have signup sheets to work the different areas beginning in February. It may seem too early to do things for the show but it is not. Some things need to be done so that there is no confusion later. She will be expecting your input for ideas as well as working the show. It takes all of us to make the show successful. Please do what you can! We appreciate all your talents!
We have had many wonderful show and tell quilts. Be thinking of showing them and finishing up new projects. If you have a quilt or two that you haven’t shown please think about bringing it to the show. We and everyone else would love to see your quilts! It would be really nice to have the Blue Berry Hill quilts hanging together as well as the Naughty Row by Rows and Denise Sprain’s workshop of Little Tangy quilts too.
Everyone has such wonderful ideas when it comes to colors and you all certainly show your talents at our ‘show and tells’! You never know who you might inspire to become a quilter with all your talents out there for everyone to see! That’s what happened to me at your 1990 quilt show. Through much trial and a lot of errors and still learning, I became a quilter that day because of you and my Mom!
Raffle tickets are now available. All members are expected to purchase 10 tickets for $10. You may sell them or enter your name to win the ‘Cabin Lights’ quilt. Please help sell tickets at any events in your area. Money from the sales funds the guild for 2 years.
Margaret McMullin and Betty Neel will handle the selling of tickets. Contact them for your tickets and also selling chances in different places. The raffle quilt was at South Bridge Mall, at Betty Neel’s week long rummage and will be going to Clear Lake guild soon as well as other surrounding guilds. Please say yes when Margaret or Betty ask for your help!

Chairpersons for the committees are as follows:
Door Prizes – Dixie Schaer
Hostesses – Kim Sime
Registration of quilts – Jean Payne (possibly)
Publicity – Cathy Knowles
Boutique – Kelsey Jones & Mary Ann Johnson
Vendors – Jeanne Moorehead & Ruth Ward
Quilt Raffle – Margaret McMullin & Betty Neal
Show Arrangement – Carlene Davis
Admissions – Cathy Knowles
Bed Turning – Nancy Trager
Antiques & Accessories –

During the upcoming months, sign up sheets will be provided for each committee. With the decline in membership, every member will be needed to work in the various stations. We are still hoping that Newman School will have a group to provide lunch and snacks for both the workers, vendors and guests. Somehow, quilts and food always to together.


Memberships are still coming in and a draft of the membership list was ready at the October meeting. With the additions and corrections, Kelsey should be able to provide us with a current list at the November meeting. Be sure to pay your dues ASAP so that you can be listed with other members.
Revising the groups
Due to membership declines, we will be revising our groups from 9 groups to 5 groups. This means that there will be more members in your group to depend on. Some of the groups have 7 members and others have lost some due to non membership renewal. This new revision will become effective in September 2010. A signup sheet will be sent around with a chance for you to sign up yourself with a particular group of persons. This will be done perhaps in April, 2010, so be thinking what months work best for you. Perhaps you are riding together with a group and it would be better to serve together that month. If you do not signup during this time I will be putting you into a group I think best fits that month. The months that no groups are needed are July-no meeting, August-picnic and December where the board and officers will serve as hostesses. That means with 9 months, the groups will rotate during the year. Thanks to everyone for your understanding and cooperation!
NIQG Board Meeting
September 22, 2009

President Jenny Schlutz called the Board meeting to order at 10:00AM with nine members present. Treasurers and secretary’s reports will be in the newsletter. The membership report will be in the newsletter.
Margaret McMullin will take care of selling the raffle tickets. Betty Neel has the raffle quilt.
Fons & Porter magazine sale has been sent in.
The Fiber Arts Festival sales were slow. Jenny will not sponsor the sale again. If anyone would like to take over this project let us know.
The raffle quilt will be taken to the Welcome Center at Northwood over the Thanksgiving weekend. A new poster will be made to advertise the quilt and guild. Carlene has the logo quilt and Jenny will purchase letters for this.
The October workshop will be by Apple Blossom Quilts featuring a split leaf appliqué technique. The cost of the workshop is $10 with another $10 to be paid by the Guild. Twenty people can take the workshop. The presenter will show quick ways to appliqué. It starts at 9:00AM sharp.
The serving groups need to help set up and clean up afterwards plus serve lunch. Jenny will set up new larger groups for next year with each group serving twice a year. Five groups will be set up.
Jeanne Moorehead reported we have 5 vendors signed up for the quilt show taking 9 tables. There are 17 spaces to fill. We will need lots of quilts to show so we need to get busy quilting.
Meeting adjourned.
Le Nore Forbes, Secretary Pro Tem

Secretary’s Report by Kim Sime
NIQG General Meeting October 8, 2009
We saw some very nice projects during Show and Tell:
Jenny Schlutz – flying queese quilt and Little Tangy
Marge Bahnson - felted wool purse
Carlene Davis – Halloween Witch wall hanger and Little Tangy
Dorothy Birch - Quilt to be given as a raffle for a hospital in her home town and a cape & matching cap for her grandaughter.
Marilyn Meinecke - sheep notepad and embroidered pot holder
LeNore Forbes, Acting Secretary
Board Meeting October 20, 2009
Pres. Elect Margaret McMullin-10:00AM Board meeting- 9 member present. Treasurer’s and Secretaries report, membership report and Treasurer’s will all be in the newsletter.
The LOGO quilt has been updated with the letters to include our guild name. Looks very nice. It will be displayed with the raffle quilt so there is some identity with the guild when sales are taking place.
Oct workshop –Apple Blossom Quilts. Split Leaf Appliqué was held with over 15 members taking the workshop. Connie Sue gave a wonderful presentation and wonderful handouts on her method of appliqué. She proved that it is fun and easy to do.
LeNore Forbes Secretary Pro Temp.
NIQG Board Meeting October 20, 2009

The NIQG Board meeting was called to order by vice-president Margaret McMullin. There were 8 board members present. The treasurer’s report was unavailable. The secretary’s report will be available in the newsletter.
Discussion was held on set up of the room during workshops to decrease distractions. A separate area will be set up for those who do not wish to participate in the workshop. A motion was made, seconded and passed that attendance at any workshop will be by sign-up with payment due if required at that time.
IPTV has sent a request for a donation. This will be tabled until next month so we can check the treasurer’s books for the date of the last donation.
Jeanne M. reported that 12 spaces have been taken by vendors at the 2010 Quilt Show so far. Laurie Schwark will need information on upcoming projects as soon as possible. There will be kits available for purchase for the November workshop. Carlene D. will be writing the November newsletter.
Kim Sime, Secretary

Quilt Projects 2009-10 by Laurie Schwarck
Laurie presented a new project for us to enjoy at our meeting. We will be ready to go at this meeting! The pattern for the quilt is in the January 2010 issue of “Quilt” Magazine. As this is a save and swap project, you will need to have 5 6" squares in light Batiks in a baggie with your name on it. If you wish to swap more than one set, you will need to have 5 6" squares in each bag, again with your name on each.
Chinese Auction
$32 has been added to last month’s total and now we have had $844.15 donated over a 2 year period! That is absolutely fantastic! Thanks to everyone for the baked goods! I know everyone that was drawn went home happy. This has been an enjoyable fund raiser! We appreciate all donations. Tickets are 25¢ each.
Odds and ends
Reminder to pick up your Naughty Row by Row Label! Still some available.
Dorothy Birch looking for Black Bear fabric!

November 13 & 14, huge Quilt Shop Hop at the Best Western in Clear Lake. Thirteen shops will have their traveling shops for your easy shopping, doors open at 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., Friday and 4:00 p.m., Saturday. You can do all your Christmas shopping under one roof. That is, if you didn’t spend all your money in Des Moines.

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