
December 9, 2009

Happy Holidays to All!
Wow the time sure does go by fast! It seems like we just finished cleaning up summer gardens and flower beds, raked the fall leaves and here it is time for Thanksgiving and Christmas! I hope all of you are busy getting your ‘quilting projects’ completed for not only the quilt show coming in April, but to be given as gifts to your family and friends during the Christmas celebrations.
I am writing this before our family’s Thanksgiving dinner festivity. We are having our dinner on the Sunday after Thanksgiving so that all can make it that day for good eats and games. So I have no story to tell about the ‘infamous brown and serve buns’ (Please Lord help me) as yet. It is with high anticipation that they will turn out in excellent servable condition this year (I am praying).
However I am receiving mockery already. My oldest daughter Kari, made a pan of ‘brown and serves’ last week and thoughtfully sent a picture of them to our youngest daughter Jessie and their brother Bob, of ‘perfectly baked buns’! Of course Jessie eagerly rushed to show me the ‘perfectly baked buns’ on her phone! I pretended I couldn’t see them as the picture was too small to see goodly. (Please Lord forgive me, I lied). They looked scrumptious!
As most of you know it has been a given that I burn the dickens out of those ‘brown and serves’ every year but last year. Last year they were raw and cold on the insides (I didn’t want to burn them, girls!). I still remember the rolling eyes and polite conversation concerning those wicked ‘brown and serves’!
This year is going to be different. I purchased ‘air bake cookie sheets, guaranteed not to burn those malicious buns! I highly foresee keeping an eye on them and baking them to excellence! I will serve them hot and slightly toasted. Those buggers will tickle my family’s taste buds and I will hear nothing but praise of ‘ohhing and ahhhing’! I am paying no attention to insults that have the words- hockey puck, dog doo-doo and meteors, in them, that appear to be growing as we near our big dinner. I’ll show ‘em! Perfect buns coming their way! (Please oh Lord, be with me in my kitchen that day).
Happy Thanksgiving Girls! Jen

Now onto Christmas Tidings!
Christmas Celebration! Be Merry and Cheerful!

10AM December 9th, 2009

Come join us for a fun morning of mini workshops given by Mary Ann Johnson, Cathy Knowles and Kelsey Jones! Bring a sewing kit and maybe a couple of you girls could bring a sewing machine to share. Cathy will have kits made up for you for $2 each. Keep in mind, there may be a fee for the other projects.

Potluck at noon!
Table service will be provided!
Officers and Board will supply desserts!

Cookies and Treats Exchange!
If you would like to participate bring one dozen cookies, fudge, one dozen bars or candies or whatever you would like to share and place them on a designated table. When it comes time for the ‘exchange’ 2 people wearing plastic gloves will divide the goodies up for you. With the chances of colds and flu around, it will be healthier for everyone to have only these two take care of the cookies. Paper plates and clear plastic bags will be available to take your goodies home with you.

Handmade Christmas Ornament exchange!
If you would like to participate in making an ornament please bring one that you would like to share in a wrapped package or plain paper lunch bag. These can be quilted, embroidered, painted or anything your talent takes you to create your ornament. Put you name in it.
Place your gift on designated table.

Don’t miss out! There will be lots of door prizes!

General meeting at 1PM

After meeting we will have our exchanges, drawings and a
fun ‘Quilty Christmas Poem’

HO HO HO! See you all there!

The computer swallowed grandma.
Yes, honestly it’s true!
She pressed 'control' and 'enter'
And disappeared from view.

It devoured her completely,
The thought just makes me squirm.
She must have caught a virus
Or been eaten by a worm.

I've searched through the recycle bin
And files of every kind;
I've even used the Internet,
But nothing did I find.

In desperation, I asked Google
My searches to refine.
The reply from him was negative,
Not a thing was found 'online.'

So, if inside your 'In-box,'
My Grandma you should see,
Please 'Copy,''Scan' and 'Paste' her
And send her back to me.

2010 Quilt Show April 17th & 18th, 2010
Sat 10-4PM & Sun Noon -4
Newman High School $3 admissions
Friday April 16th at 4PM will be set up.
Carlene will have signup sheets to work different areas in January. She will be expecting your input for ideas as well as working the show. It takes all of us to make the show successful. Please do what you can! There may be some changes to the lay-up of the quilts in the big room. With fewer members it is getting harder and harder to get that room filled with large quilts. It is being discussed that we may hang the small quilts as well as the large ones and maybe have the Boutique in there too. If you have thoughts on this please let Carlene know. We appreciate all your talents!
Raffle tickets-All members are expected to purchase 10 tickets for $10. You may sell them or enter your name to win the ‘Cabin Lights’ quilt. Please help sell tickets at any events in your area. Money from the sales, funds the guild for 2 years.
Margaret McMullin and Betty Neel will handle the selling of tickets. Contact them for your tickets and also selling chances in different places. Please say yes when Margaret or Betty ask for your help!
Boutique- it has been suggested by fellow member Lola Stiles that that we bring our old patterns, kits, scrap fabrics, magazines, tools and etc all in attractive grouping to sell at minimal prices. Also attach information about our guild. This will be a way for new, young or novice quilters to begin or gather tools for quilting. Great idea Lola! Ok girls! You know what to do. If you are not sure on the pricing your package, leave that up to the Boutique chairs.

Chairpersons for the committees are as follows:
Door Prizes – Dixie Schaer
Hostesses – Kim Sime
Registration of quilts – Jean Payne possibly
Publicity – Cathy Knowles
Boutique – Kelsey Jones
Vendors – Jeanne Moorehead
Quilt Raffle – Margaret McMullin
Show Arrangement – Carlene Davis
Admissions – Cathy Knowles
Bed Turning –
Antiques & Accessories –

Secretary’s Report by Kim Sime NIQG General Meeting Nov. 11, 2009
A very delicious potluck lunch was enjoyed by all. Vice-president Margaret McMullin opened the meeting with a moment of silent prayer in honor of Veteran’s Day. Thank you’s were read from Gwen Matthews, Jenny Schlutz and the family of Mary Jane Allen. The secretary’s minutes were approved as written. The treasurer’s report stands as presented.
A big thank you goes to Cathy Knowles for treating us to a very fun workshop – Sunbonnet Sue and to Jenny Schlutz for getting the kits ready for us. A thank you was given to Carlene Davis and Kelsey Jones for writing the November newsletter. Many thanks to the October and November hostesses for doing such a nice job.
The next Board meeting will be November 17 at the Senior Citizen’s Center. All are welcome. Our December 9 meeting will be our Christmas party! It begins at 10:00 am and the officers and Board members will host the event. If anyone is interested in leading a seasonal mini-workshop, let Jenny know.
A reminder that January’s workshop will be Charity Day. ABC quilts are 45” X 45” and the Parents United quilts can be up to twin size. Laurie Schwark told us about the new project, Bermuda Sunrise quilt. Nine members have signed up so far. The start of this project is being delayed until January 2010 as everyone is busy during the holiday season. Those interested will want to buy a copy of the Dec/Jan issue of Quilt magazine. Details of the upcoming project will be found in the newsletter.
Betty Neel reported that the Guild has permission to set up and sell raffle tickets at the North Iowa Welcome Center any day. Members can contact Betty or Margaret if they are able to sell at the Welcome Center.
There were no lottery blocks this month. The lucky winners of the Chinese auction items were Marlene Oswood, Dorothy Birch, Lola Stiles, Cathy Knowles, Jan Pralle, and Marilyn Meinecke. Please do not bring additional Chinese Auction items until those on hand are used.

Show and Tell
Marge Bahnsen – Amish quilt
Phyllis Wright – her grand-daughter’s appliqué quilt and a quilt she made for her daughter
Betty Neel – fan quilt
Carlene Davis – 2 wall hangings, a child’s quilt, paper pieced round robin quilt, and a panel quilt
Betty Werle – an Alaska themed baby quilt
Connie Wagner – table runner
Dixie Schaer – jack-o-lantern wall hanging
Laurie Schwarck – lots of table runners for her family to be done by Thanksgiving (she is a very busy girl!)
Marilyn Meinecke – several seasonal items

The afternoon program was presented by Fran Randall. Fran hand-makes cuddly and cute teddy bears made out of different furs and materials, mostly from old coats. She also showed us the unique jackets and coats she makes. Kim Sime, Secretary

NIQG Board Meeting November 17, 2009
The NIQG Board meeting was called to order by president Jenny Schlutz. A donation to the public television stations was discussed. It was decided to give a $50 donation to IPTV at this time. Kelsey J. will check into the programming of the two Minnesota public stations and donation opportunities and will report back to the Board.
The treasurer’s report and secretary minutes were approved. Margaret McMullin reported that there were $84 in quilt raffle ticket sales during the Clear Lake Shop Hop event.
A change in the lottery block process will be tried. Instructions for the lottery block and a sample of the block will be available at the Guild meeting the month before due. This will give members one month to make lottery blocks. It is hoped that this will increase participation.
The Board discussed plans for next month’s Christmas party Dec. 9. The party will begin at 10:00 am with a potluck at noon. There will be no Chinese auction in Dec. Kelsey Jones, Cathy Knowles and Mary Ann Johnson will guide us through mini-classes in the morning. Other details will be in the newsletter.
The 2010 Quilt Show was discussed. A memorial to NIQG members who have passed away is in the planning stages. Possible changes to the layout of the quilt displays and boutique was suggested with the small quilts being hung in the gym instead of the cafeteria so more people would see them. Also, the boutique could be moved into the gym as well. The goal is to fill the space in the gym and have more exposure to our small quilts and boutique. Currently there are enough projects in the works for the boutique. Individual members selling items in the boutique are reminded that their prices need to reflect 7% sales tax and each individual is responsible for paying their own tax. Also, 10% of the individual’s sales goes to the Guild.
Carlene Davis will have forms available for those wishing to display quilts or sell items after the first of the year. There will also be sign up sheets for work sessions at the show. Our membership numbers are a bit less than in the past and it will take all members to work at the show to make it successful. Kim Sime, Secretary

Chinese Auction
$40 was added in October and another $29.25 in November. That brings the total for two years to $913. 40! Wow you did good girls! This has been a great fundraiser for our Guild! No Chinese Auction this month of December. Auction will resume in January 2010.

Lottery Blocks
The lottery block for the month of January 2010 is called Spinkys by Macia Hohn. It has been decided to show the block a month in advance to give you more time to make them. The patterns will be available at meetings and in the newsletter. We thank Marcia for her permission to enjoy her blocks. Her website is www.quilterscache.com

Lets Swap Squares 2009-2010
By now you all should have the Quilt Magazine Dec/Jan issue # 106 page 178. If not I believe there are still some at Fleet Farm. Check out your local quilt shops, fabric stores and department stores.
Here’s what you need to know:
With much discussion it was decided to create 3 groups of participants. These are group 1-Batiks only, group 2- Batik blends and group 3- Cottons. Members in these groups are: G 1-Batiks- Mary Ann J, Lola S, Cathy K, Marlene O, Barb D, Shelly K, Dixie S, and Margaret M. G 2 blends- no one yet and G 3cottons- Marilyn M, Connie W, Kim S, Laurie S, Margaret M, and Kelsey J.
Please bring 1 or more sets of ten- 6” different squares each month. Bring lights one month and darks another. The more contrast the better. Please remember the golden rule: trade with others as you wish others to trade unto you, good quality, 100% cotton quilt weight fabric.

Odds and ends
Arla Loeffler would like to sell her Bernina 1130S sewing machine. She purchased it in 1992 for $1200 and has used it very little. Also there is an advanced workbook included. Please call her at the IOOF home and make an offer!

Jo Best had knee surgery and recovering nicely. Good for you Jo!

Jenny Schlutz received good news that she won’t have to have eye socket repair surgery. Second opinions are a must in this day and age!

Mary Jane Allen’s family wishes to thank all of us for being a part of her life! We will miss Mary Jane greatly!

We are going to put together a memorial for our quilt show of quilting members who we have lost. Here is a list. If I have not included someone please tell me or Betty Neel immediately! These are not in order: Doris Kluss, Leota Jaspers, Iva Hannah, Helen Fistler, Pearl McWhorter, Bobbie Meggars, Virginia Brennan, Ann Truitt, Anna Bakacek, Rae Embretson, Grace Anderson, Jan Martin, Gay Schneider, Anne McIntire, Lois Alitz, Margaret Hall, Velda Marth, Marie Wahlers, Alice Lenze, Jerrie Stricker, John Klein, Eleanor Benjegerdes, Dorothy Roby, Norah Herricks, Dorothy Wismer, Evelyn Bartesek and Mary Jane Allen.

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